Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Am A Siren

I Am A Siren
I am a Siren
I lead people to their doom
It’s a regrettable fate then.

My song lures men
Then they enter Death’s gloom,
I am a Siren.

If they know when
Odysseus protected himself from a seaward tomb
It’s a regrettable fate then.

But it makes love’s chances zero times ten
When all men lie beneath the ocean’s spume,
I am a Siren

With no love in my den,
Or someone to put a child in my womb,
It’s a regrettable fate then.

It’s not written with a pen,
But with my song, love has no room,
I am a Siren,
It’s a regrettable fate then.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Leaving Home

Leaving Home
The battle with Orno Grimtotem is over,
And we have won.
Now Baine Bloodhoof sends me on my way,
To the Horde City of Orgimmar,
To be a guide and a light,
But I am wary to leave my home.

I don’t want to leave the plains
Caressed by the wind,
Or the elementals,
Who are peaceful at last.

I don’t want to leave the cool nights,
With unhindered sights of the stars,
Or the warm days,
When elementals and weather are at peace.

I don’t want to leave the Tauren Tribe,
The kids ready to become warriors, hunters,
Or even shamans,
Their laughter in my ears shall be missed.

I shall miss the elders,
With their wise words,
And my fellow peers,
With their own views and cares.

But I have my orders,
And the elementals cry out in pain elsewhere,
I cannot leave them be.
So I shall go.

But I shall miss my city,
My friends,
My peers,
My fellow Tauren,
The wind,
The nights,
The peace,
Even the animals.

I shall miss all this and more,
And I wonder if my choice was a right one.
But I have my commands,
And I cannot leave those who need my help.
So I shall leave,
Hopefully I shall survive to return,
To my home in Mulgore.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Young Helping Shaman's Life

Note: I have a newer WOW character. She's a Tauren Shaman named Spelltotem. At the moment of writing, she's level 11.

A Young Helping Shaman’s Life
I was born and raised,
On the plains of Mulgore,
And when the time came,
I became a Tauren Shaman.

Our Village had trouble,
Our Great Mother was killed,
I helped avenge her,
And fight the Bistleboars.

This was part of the Rituals,
Part of becoming a part of the Tauren Tribe,
And I continued on my journeys,
To complete these Rituals.

I traveled across plains,
Gently caressed by the wind,
To Bloodhoof Village,
Where troubles continued.

The Grimtotem clan who had killed our Chief,
Was causing trouble,
And other people were in trouble,
Ones I couldn’t leave be!

So I traveled,
Finishing Rituals,
And helping those in need,
But I may be near my end.

Under the orders of the new chief,
I go to face the leader of the Grimtotem,
Orno Grimtotem himself!

So I take a moment,
To write this poem,
So if I survive,
I shall remember what has happened.

I look across Mulgore,
It is peaceful,
Plains caressed by the wind,
But the elements are angry.

Grimtotem has upset them,
As well as Alliance intruders,
And those of the Venture Company,
So they are mad.

I can feel their anger, pain, and need,
And cannot leave them be,
I have to help,
Even if my life is signed over at the end.

Will I survive?
I don’t know.
But I do know,
That I shall help until the end.

My name is Spelltotem,
And I am a Shaman
Of the Tauren,
And a small-time hero.

I have dreams,
And I hope to survive
So I can live them
To be a hero of Azeroth.

But if I fail,
At least I know,
That I fell
Trying to help those in pain and need,
And fighting for good.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Riding A Roller Coaster

Riding A Roller Coaster
You wait,
In the car,
For the ride,
To begin.

With a jerk,
You begin to move,
You climb a hill.

And then
You snap down
Then up,
And then down again!


You can barely
Access the situation
You scream
In fear and joy!

You snap
You zoom
Your juices flow
Air crashes into your face.

It’s faster than
You thought
And the air
Flies into your face.

Juices are pumping
Attractions fly by
Clouds and ground
Zip on by.

You slow down,
And come to a stop,
Seemingly only seconds,
After you started.

You can’t believe this,
Even though you know it’s true.
You want more,
So you get back in line,
To ride the roller coaster once more.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Cat Who...

Note: One of my favorite cozy mystery series is the famous Cat Who series, written by Lilian Jackson Braun. This poem is based on them, and uses the titles of the books for part of the lines (Add "The Cat Who" to all of the italic lines except "The Cat Who..." to get the full titles). When this poem was written, I was in the midst of reading The Cat Who Tailed A Thief, so it only goes up to that.

The Cat Who…
In the city of Pickaxe,
“Four Hundred Miles North of Everywhere”,
There’s a very famous Siamese cat,
Who’s done many things,
Perhaps you’ve heard of him?

He’s the Cat Who…
Could Read Backwards,
Ate Danish Modern,
Turned On And Off,
He broke a cat’s rule and Saw Red,

He’s The Cat Who…
Played Brahms,
Knew Shakespeare,
Sniffed Glue,
He snuck around and Went Underground.

He is The Cat Who…
Talked to Ghosts,
Lived High,
Knew A Cardinal,
He went and Moved A Mountain!

He was The Cat Who…
Wasn’t There,
Went Into The Closet,
Came To Breakfast,
He Blew The Whistle,

He’s The Cat Who…
Said Cheese,
He even Tailed A Thief!
He’s highly intelligent and very busy.

Thanks to Lilian Jackson Braun,
He is known far and wide,
In Pickaxe, Down Below, and Beyond…
And his tales continue to be told.

His name is Kao K’o Kung,
Better known as Koko,
But he is best known as
The Cat Who!